Sorry for the lack of posting. I’ve been on vacation since last Wednesday.

What have I been doing?

Wednesday: Birthday – Presents, Amazing lunch, Shopping at Anthro (I only bought a necklace. What?!)

Thursday: Prepping for my party on Saturday and wishing Hurricane Alex away.

Friday: Brother arrived in town, then my parents along with more rain from Alex

Saturday: PARTY!!! Everyone had a FANTASTIC time and the weather was good. A little rain in the a.m. and clouds most of the day. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs/Chili Dogs, Potato Salad, Beer, Margarita Machine, Swimming, Washers…TONS OF FUN!

Sunday: Relaxing 4th of July – swimming and more margaritas. More family came over. Mexican food for breakfast, American food for lunch and Italian for dinner. Top that off with an unexpected fireworks show from the neighborhood next to us.

Monday: A little work, more swimming, dominoes and poker.

Tuesday: More swimming and pitching washers. Mom and grandma are making Arroz con pollo (chicken and rice) for dinner. One of my favorite dishes.

Wednesday: Last full day to spend with my brother before he leaves on Thursday.

I have just the rest of today and tomorrow before I get back to work on Thursday. I have to say this Staycaytion has been great. This is the first time I’ve been on the computer for more than an hour since Wednesday! Husband has enjoyed himself as well. He’s trying to figure out how we can do this all the time.

I’ll be back to regular posting in a few days.

Hope you are enjoying your week!

I know it’s early but I’m enjoying my days off and extra birthday celebrations.

Enjoy your Indepence Day!

P.S. – Hurricane Alex is really thinking he’s invited to my party tomorrow. Sucks for him ’cause I’m having it anyway.

The baby deer are here. There are two running around looking too cute with their little spots and The Boy just found a brand new, not even an hour old, baby deer in the yard a short time ago. It is sooo cute. He asked, of course, “Can we keep him?”

And this is a different story. There is a bar & grill called the Dodging Duck in Boerne, TX. Across the road is the river that has ducks and geese. The owners have blocked off the shoulder with cones and put up a sign that reads “Mother Goose is Nesting. Father Goose is Protecting.” This was taken from the deck of the bar. You can see the Mother Goose under the hedges and the Father Goose was honking at some kids playing in the yard. They got a little too close for his liking. I never knew a Male Goose did this. 
How sweet is he?
Soon there will be little goslings walking across the road to the river.