I have been intrigued by Jewish Girl’s “Use it or Lose It” challenges recently. The gist of it is you wear items in your closet you haven’t worn in a while or never within 30 days. If forces you to figure out how to wear that pencil skirt or embroidered blouse and let’s you ultimately decide whether or not it’s a keeper.
Her first challenge was skirts and her current challenge is Cardigans/Jackets and Shoes. To keep herself on track with what is in the challenge she added a green mark to those hangers holding those items. It would be interesting to participate but I don’t dress for work like those who work in an actual office so I’d probably “use” 2 of 10 skirts or something like that. It seems like a good way to purge your closet one or two clothing categories at a time. To be honest, any more than that at a time can be too overwhelming and you’ll want to keep everything.
I am blessed to have a closet that allows me to have ALL my clothes out all year round. I store my cashmere and heavier sweaters in boxes during the off season that I keep on the floor or top shelves of my closet. Unlike most ladies, I do not have to switch out Summer to Fall or Winter. Unfortunately, seeing everything at once also causes me to 1) be indecisive on what to wear and 2) think I don’t have anything to wear. To help with that I re-arranged my closet again, moving around the shelves, placing the shoes up front-and-center and, my purging trick, turning all my hangers around, which I probably saw on Clean House or some HGTV show years ago.
Logically, you place all your hangers so you can retrieve them from the front. As you can see, I reversed the hanger so the curve of the top of the hanger is to the back wall. If I wear something I hang it back with the curve to the front. At a glance, this shows me exactly what I’ve worn and what I need to wear. Then, after each season, I can assess what I have not worn and decide if it really is a keeper or if it finally needs to go. The only things I don’t use this for are classic items – the white button-down shirt, LBD, black pencil skirt, wool trousers, etc.
Another idea I looked into was a “Wear-Minder Tag“. You place a tag on a hanger and each time you wear that article of clothing you remove a “petal”. You would have to give yourself a cut-off date so you don’t have clothes in your closet with three petals missing in three years. They also look like they are easy to make, with some scrap-booking paper, a design, and scissors. By making them yourself, you can also add the article of clothing to the center of the flower so you know which hanger it goes back on.
I don’t have a definitive way to purge my shoe portion of the closet yet but right now I am just doing a once-over every few months. I finally purged some shoes that were too cute to let go but that I hadn’t worn in over two years. Because of this, as you can see, I now have a front-and-center shelf for my sweaters. Maybe if I have them out Mother Nature will notice and keep it cool for a while so I can wear them.
Jeans are another issue I have. I don’t hang them so I only get rid of them when they don’t fit.
My question to you is – “How do you purge your closet?” Especially shoes. I’d love to hear your ideas and tricks on what you do to keep your closet from exploding. Do you participate in the “One in, One Out” concept? Are you participating in Jewish Girl’s “Use it or Lose It” challenge, even secretly? Do you purge at the beginning of a season or re-assess what you haven’t worn when you change seasons and purge then?
Go check out Jewish Girl’s blog, if you haven’t already, and read up on her “Use it or Lose It” challenges.
I just bought my first pair today. Actually, I bought two pair. I was surprised at how comfortable they are. The insole is padded and has a slight arch support which I was not expecting.
I can’t wait to wear them!
I headed over to Target and found lots of new shoes and sandals including the Dolce Vita for Target line.
First up – Dolce Vita for Target – I missed out on the Cynthia Vincent sandals so I was excited to see the offerings for the Dolce Vita line. There were only a few sandals at the one Target I went to but online there are boots, flats, oxfords and other sandals. Nothing is more than $29.99. I went with a 6 1/2 in all the DV shoes. The 7 was too loose in length and width.
(Please excuse the awful pedicure. I get lazy in the winter since I’m always wearing boots and flats not sandals.)
Sliver Wedge Sandal in Black – Size 6 1/2 – This is faux leather and has a back zipper and comes in pewter and gold.
Rope Wedge Sandals – Size 6 1/2 – $29.99
These also come in nude, dark brown and cognac, which I wanted badly but they did not have my size. There is a double-buckle at the ankle but also a back zipper.
Cork Wedge Sandal – $29.99 – Faux leather and also comes in gold, white, pewter and brown.
Mossimo Supply Co Wauna Braided Flat Sandals in Brown – $14.99
I looked for some cute somewhat casual sandals all summer last year but could never find anything I liked. I’m happy I found these, and at that price! They also come in a very pretty blue and a tan, almost yellow color.
As you can see, I happily “bought the shoes”! Have a great day!
I apologize if you saw this on Sunday. Even though I set up a scheduled post Blogger thought it would be funny to post it early.
I found the J Crew Caribe Espadrille on ebay in navy last month and love them. In Target a few weeks ago I found the Merona Essie Espadrille and noticed they were familiar-looking. I was wearing the Caribe’s and did a quick comparison in the store and they are almost exact.