I was in my Anthropologie store making some returns and saw the Off-the-Tie-Rack blouse styled with a sweater. I absolutely loved it. I’ve been wanting to wear the blouse but the weather is just not co-operating. Now, of course, you are thinking “A sweater would be nice over it during the Spring.” but it was the WAY it was styled. Just watch…
Here’s the Polyvore.
Here is how it is online. I wrapped the sash around one more time so the bow is smaller on me.

Here is how the SA told me to tie the bow. Just a simple knot.
Here is the way it was styled yesterday.
They used a shawl cardigan but since I already had a long J Crew cardi I saw no need (yay!) to buy the one they used – as tempting as it was.
Since it is a bit windy I added the Eden blazer. They are very convenient for layering and grabbing at the last minute when you’re going out the door. I would get another but I have the Ecole in the Brown and my Wool Schoolboy in Redwood should be coming today.
I had some success yesterday with the boy. I bought him “adult” jeans at American Eagle and not only did they fit but he liked the style and wash! AND…today I got him to wear a belt. He has this pair, his favorite, that he has been wearing EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! He washes them at least once during the week but he walked out of the house yesterday with his “pants on the ground”. And, of course, the bus was just about to show up so it was either 1) Get after him and make him change which would mean he would miss the bus and I’d have to take him or 2) Let it go for one more day. I let it go. He’s taller than me and has a deep voice now so I pick my battles. ;o)
Have a great day!
