I love getting new shoes. They’re like when you got a new doll or other toy as a kid. Although, as a kid, nothing excited me more than a new box of Crayons…all 64 with the sharpener on the back of the box. I would take them all out and line them up in a row. Then I’d organize them from darkest to lightest and put them back in the box that way.
I remember, I was either 4 or 5 (I know we were living in Portugal at the time), and I had them all lined up in a row and my brother came in and STOMPED. ON. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Broke them all in half. I was so sad and he got in so much trouble. Little brothers can be so annoying. Of course now, he’s an enabler and certainly has more shoes than I do (he works for a top sports shoe company).
Now my closet looks much like that organized box of crayons. Everything is sorted by item then color.
Anyway, back to my purchases. After reading jcbellemarie’s post on the Pour La Victoire Frida’s that she got for a STEAL! I ordered the same pair and love them. I feel so tall and not wobbly at all. (Because unlike Weeble-Wobbles I will fall down.)

(No one fell in the pool during the taking of this picture.)
My other pair have a story to them. When I was in high school I had a pair of flat black patent oxfords, either by Unlisted or Nine West. I wore those all the time. Loved them. Of course, eventually they wore out and I had to throw them away. A few months ago, I saw these on the Barney’s website.
Christian Louboutin Fred Flat

Needless to say, I wanted them. Needed them. Craved them. But even though I’m usually a 37 in CL I still don’t trust the sizing without trying them on.
So I scoured ebay & Zappos & Endless & Piperlime and every other shoe site I knew of to find something similar. Finally, ebay came through.

Dolce & Gabbana Black Patent Oxford with a Heel
How cool is that? An update to the shoe I loved so much in high school (and quite comfy too).
UPDATE::: And over $200 less than the CL Fred Flat.
Now, I have also purged quite a bit in the past few months. I’ve sold or “given away” 21 pairs on ebay. So the shoe purchases I’ve made (15) are far under the number of pairs I’ve purged. (O.K. maybe not that much but I’m trying.)
And I should really consider going on a BANBANBAN. (I have just one more shoe I’m eyeing on ebay.UPDATE 2:::Make that 2 I’m eyeing on ebay.)
