The Cashmere Cody Cardigan that is.

We are having a family date day to celebrate The Boy’s Straight AAAAA’s. He’s been begging to go to this Brazilian steakhouse so we’ll be doing that after an afternoon movie. I’ve decided I may not want to put myself in a “meat coma” like I did on our anniversary two years ago so I may stick with the awesome salad bar and sneak a little piece here and there from Husband. The smell of beef made me nauseous for days.

Here’s Day 6…

Tee: J Crew Vintage Cotton Sequin Henley (Size S – A little snug in this size. I should have gotten the Medium.)
Caridgan: J Crew Cashmere Cody in Matisse Blue (Isn’t this color gorgeous?)
Jeans: GAP Curvy
Shoes: Ann Taylor Perfect Pump

I am not a nail person. I get pedi’s all the time but I have always had a bad habit of biting my nails. After I saw this gorgeous purple color by Chanel (Paradoxal), I had to have it. And my nails are thanking me for it. They are growing and I am not biting them. I broke on on the other hand so as soon as it grows a little longer I’ll get a manicure. I can’t wait!

Have a great weekend!