Kate Spade Factory is having 40% off the entire store starting tomorrow through Tuesday plus an additional 20% off Handbags. I was there about a week ago and found a few things, one of which was straight from the “Specialty” aka Retail store.
The Maccaw Clutch was too adorable to leave in the store. I think this was $175 plus 40% off. It works well with my Anthro Nimbin Blouse.
Clothes were 40% off too. This is the Call to Action Tee from January/Early Spring. It was $45 plus the 40%.
I believe this is the Metro Spade Darby purse. I’m still deciding on this but I don’t have a black purse of any kind. It was $98 plus 40% off.
Lastly, is something I’ve been wanting for a while but couldn’t decide on which KS Seaport to get. This was at the Factory and though I thought I wanted Gold this will do just fine, it was $195 and then another 40% off.
These are stackable discounts and the SAs are more than happy to share that with you, which I love! Can you imagine how you would be treated in the Specialty store? it is definitely one of my stops next month in NYC. If you live near one it will be nice to go check out the store.
Have a Great Day!