These awards are long overdue but I want to make sure I thank those who gave them to me.

First, Happy 101 Award from Kathy and Seashell at Two Hands Full of Daisies.

Rules: List 10 things that make you happy. (Try to do one of those things today.)
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
Make sure to link back to the person who tagged you.

Second, The Sunshine Award. I received this from Pamela over at Ginger Girl about 3 weeks ago and then again this week from Kathy and Seashell at Two Hands Full of Daisies, again (they are the best!).

Rules: 1) Put the logo on your blog within a post.
2) Pass the award on to 12 bloggers.
3) Link to the nominees in you post.
4) Let them know they received the award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link back to the person who gave you the award.

10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. Bella – my super sweet spoiled mini-dachsund
2. My Family
3. Really good Mexican food
4. The sun
5. A clean house
6. The deer in my front yard, especially the new babies
7. Gerber Daisies
8. New shoes
9. All the blogs I follow and read
10. The Beach, specifically Tulum, Mexico

As for the bloggers I want to give these to everyone on my blog list but here are just a few to go check out.
1. Yogagirl over at Love Your Life and Look~Today! Style and Yoga!
2. Gingersnap over at GingerSnap’s Daily Fashion Post
3. New blogger Tabitha at Bourbon & Pearls
4. jcbellemarie
5. Patina at Confessions of a Shopaholic
6. Slastena at About All and Nothing at All
7. Kendi at Kendi Everyday
8. tres tippy
9. Jenn at Diary of a Shoe Addict