J.Crew Factory Suede Moto Jacket

One problem I seem to have lately is time. Hence the week long separation from one post to the next, after returning. And it seems everything I am wanting to share with you is selling out. But I’ll share this one and hope to prep another post of active items this week.

~ Suede Motorcycle Jacket, Medium ~

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The color is a lighter olive and the original stock image made me think it was a muted brown. I do like my outerwear to make a statement, which I probably why I haven’t ever purchased a black or tan motorcycle jacket in suede or leather. The fit is TTS and the medium fits well in the shoulders. The sleeves are a little long so I’ll have to scrunch them or fold them up once. Considering I’m going through a style change and wearing more casual/sporty looks, this jacket will fit right in. The hardware and zipper are gold and fit with the olive color.

I have a Navy suede motorcycle jacket I purchased last year from BCBG. From what I’ve discovered, Blank NYC seems to offer the biggest range of colors for their motorcycle jackets.

I wasn’t looking for another one but saw this olive motorcycle jacket in the last round of the J Crew Factory new arrivals and couldn’t resist ordering it. It was promo’d and then I had a coupon so it wasn’t full price.

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  1. bark
    October 17, 2017 / 10:01 am

    Love the jacket. What jeans are you wearing???

  2. Noelle Hagopian
    October 27, 2017 / 10:15 pm

    Hi Audrey,
    I was wondering if you’d be interested in selling your Molly hatch peony bowl from Anthropologie? I broke my sisters and am having no luck finding a replacement. Please email me if you’d like to sell it to me. Thank you!!