How sweet is my little Bella? She’s very camera shy. She always puts down her head when I point the camera at her. She even knows when I’m trying to take an iPad picture.

I’m on the fence about this dress. I waited and waited to see a review or for it to go on sale. It arrived yesterday and I’m not sure I like it. The fit seems a little off although the material is super soft and comfortable. What do you think? I’m wearing a size Small and would either have to wear a cami underneath or get it altered to raise it up at the shoulders, like I am showing now. This would make is more of an Empire waist as well.

Impromptu date night with Husband brings out the “NWT” items.

Ann Taylor Pleated Cami (NWT)
J Crew Origami Mini in Peony (NWT)
Stuart Weitzman Wedges
Did I mention I had a 40th birthday party a few weeks ago to round out my “40 days of turning 40”? Here are some pics.

The front door sign welcoming our guests.


The Birthday Girl – with TWO cakes!!!

Opening presents…What does this paper say???

OMG!! Husband’s taking me to Cancun in September, with some good friends!
Sneaky sneaky.
And this video made me LOL! How many of you know about “La Chancla“?
Lastly, The Boy texted me late one night while at a friend’s and asked if I had heard of INSANITY. Of course, I told him. It’s for crazy people. He said he was doing it right then with some other friends and wanted to buy it. So being like all the other Mother’s out there who don’t spoil her children at some point, I bought it AND agreed to do it with him.
I honestly believe you have to be INSANE to do this. I just watched a video and started hurting everywhere. I’m prepping myself this week by doing Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred. I did convince The Boy today to start moving so he did it with me. We begin on Monday. My before pictures are horrendous so I have motivation. I’m so glad there are clothes and accessories to hide those imperfections we have.

Just a few random things going on in the AudreyBella house. I didn’t have the motivation to do individual posts for all of this so I took inspiration from FABULOUS Florida Mommy‘s blog posts, A Little This, A Little That.
Have a Great Evening!

The Kimono dress looks great on you!
I also like the dress on you.
Did you see Andreas review(lifesdivine.blogspot)?
It looks beautiful on her too.
I like the dress. So fun re: Cancun, and love the white top and bright skirt on you!
INSANITY is probably in the top 3 workout out there!!! Good luck it's mucho difficulto!!! smile
Hi Audreybella! I really like the maxi dress on you in the photo, so if it isn't too terribly expensive to have it altered, I say keep it and have that done. It really is very flattering on you. 🙂
What a wonderful surprise gift from your hubby! You will be off on your travels before you know it. Are you already thinking about what you're going to pack for your trip?
I have been contemplating the INSANITY workout for my son and I, as well, so please do let me know what you think of it once you get started this coming week.
Lastly, thank you for the mention and credit! I really appreciate it! 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!
I like the dress on you as well! I think it is flattering!
Congrats on the birthday trip! I had not heard of Insanity before! I am going to have to check it out! I am hard core dieting before my trip to Europe and before fall, as honestly, I need to re-fit into my clothes – I do NOT want to go up a size and say goodby to some pieces I love. Plus there is the whole health, thing.. 🙂
Keep us posted on the insanity!
PS – I lOVE your dog!
Bella is adorable! You lucky girl, with 2 cakes!
Frankly, I am not fond of that dress on you. JMO, of course. You look so great in mini skirts in dresses!
Happy Belated Bday, from one "Audrey" to another!
I like the maxi dress on you, but when I see you in your mini and how fantastic you look, I think that the maxi may be a pass (please don't throw tomatoes! ((ducks)))…only because you will have to do some altering and/or be concerned about placement with a cami. There are so many options for you (even in maxi dresses) that wouldn't require "fiddling". But of course, if an outfit sings to you, you have to listen, right? 🙂
BTW, I did Insanity too. I started it twice as a matter of fact, because 3.5-4 weeks into it, I injured my back a little the first time. When I tried it a second time (after I recovered), I hurt my back again at the same 3.5-4 week mark! Obviously, I am either doing something wrong (more likely) or I have some chronic back issue. It *is* a great workout – mainly because it makes you challenge yourself to set new goals and it's exciting to see improvement. But please make sure to go at your own pace (don't follow some of the crazier folks in the video – they have been doing it for months, remember!), consider doing it on the ground floor of your house (lots of jumping and pounding on some of the sets), and assess how your body is feeling. I didn't feel my injury until hours after cool-down; probably because my psyche was so amped from the exercise!
Good luck to you and the boy with Insanity…and your sweet Bella is so cute :).
Thanks audball! I appreciate your honest comment. Sometimes you already know when something isn't going to work but you want another opinion to be sure. Thanks for the tips about Insanity. I have survived a week of it and am actually kind of disappointed that today is a rest day. As I told Gigi, I am doing some modification as I go through the 30-40 minutes and doing some additional stretching before that's not covered during the circuits (like achilles stretching!).
It's uncanny how similar we look in photos. I looked about the same in that dress and passed. If I can find the dress pic I will email it to you.
For the record, sometimes I think we look similar, but think I look bad and you great. In this case that dress is a tough one and there are much better maxis out there. I can think of so many garments you've posted that do justice to your figure.
Good luck w/Insanity! Can't wait to hear more about *that*!
…I realize my post could sound odd. I'm for you and against the dress. Just to be clear ;). And not because it didn't work on me, but because I think it's a lot of garment for us on the shorter side. Not worth altering, imo.
No worries Gigi, I knew exactly what you meant. As far as Insanity, I really was a little scared to do it but it's actually going pretty well. It's kicking my a** but I feel a lot better after the workout is over. As I tire out, usually near the third set of a circuit, I modify my movements. So if there's jumping involved, I'll still do the movement but without the jump. And example would be Squat-Jacks, jumping jacks with a squat when you come down. I eliminate the jump and go deeper into the squat as I start to tire out. I know I'll get stronger and build stamina in the next few weeks. Email me if you have any questions.
Thanks everyone for your comments. As much as the dress was comfortable and soft I ended up returning it because of the fit. As Gigi says, "I didn't get THE feeling." I was able to put that money towards a lovely super-splurge item that I'll show you in a few days.
Thanks again! I do appreciate you commenting!