Summers are when we do most of our entertaining. We love to share our big backyard, outdoor living space and pool with our friends and family. On the 4th we had a few folks over and I made my amazing Big Red Ice Cream. If you’ve never had Big Red it’s a tasty Red Cream Soda unlike any other (see info here and here) and mostly found in the South. It goes great with BBQ and yummy in an ice cold glass bottle. 
– 1 quart Heavy Whipping Cream
– 2 cans Sweetened Condensed Milk
– 32-36 ounced of Big Red Soda
– 1 pint of frozen Strawberries or use Fresh Strawberries
– Milk
– Large mixing bowl

I start with adding the Big Red to the bowl first as it cuts down on the fizz. Then I add the remaining ingredients (Heavy Whipping Cream, Condensed Milk, Strawberries) and mix it all up so the Condensed Milk is not sitting at the bottom of the bowl.

I then transfer the mix to my Ice Cream maker. I have a cheapie one from Target that works well and makes about 2 quarts of ice cream. I add enough Milk so the mix reaches the fill line on the container. It usually comes out to about 2 cups. My mixer also stops when the ice cream is ready. Each mixer will be different.

All mixed up and ready for the freezer.

The finished product will come out more like Soft-Serve Ice Cream so I transfer it to another container and put it in the freezer until it’s time to serve. This hardens the ice cream making it easier to scoop.

Oh so yummy and ready to eat!

This is always a hit whenever I make it and there are never any leftovers for The Boy. I’ve had to start stashing some away in separate smaller containers just for him. If your ice cream maker yields less adjust the amount of ingredients. Honestly, the Big Red and Condensed Milk make it very sweet so cutting back on those items may not necessarily be a bad thing. 
Hope you had a great 4th!