It’s always fun to look at all the retailers Holiday collections. J.Crew Factory had their roll-out recently and some you’ll recognize as similar to retail items while others look to be exclusive to the Factory/Mercantile stores. Currently, everything is 40-60% off, prices as marked online and in-store, through tomorrow. Use code SHOPSHOP to take an additional 40% off Clearance.
The Factory Faux Leather Skirt is a thinner quality than the retail skirt. It also runs a little smaller in the waist. I liked the Metallic Fair Isle Sweater though it ran a size big. You can always count on the Factory to bring blackwatch items for the Holiday, including pants, a puffer vest and even a blanket.
Two items I don’t recall being from previous retail roll-outs are the Wrap Skirt and Ruffle Shirt, which comes in solid or plaid. I like these flannel pajamas but if I wore this Union Suit I don’t think my husband would ever stop laughing at me. I loved the Lace Pencil Skirt and it fit really well in my normal size 8.
I finally went to the local J.Crew Mercantile store and tried on several pieces. The one thing that bugs me about my store, compared to the Factory B&M, is my size sells out quickly. They get a smaller stock than the Factory store so I need to remember to get to the store quickly if there’s something I really want to try on. I will share my reviews over the next few days.
Happy Shopping!