If you live near a Factory Store, stop by soon. Mine is an hour away but is also in the same city as my company’s office so I stop by at least once a month. The Factory Store has started a new incentive to get more people to the B&M and shopping. They’ve introduced a “frequent shopper” program/card called The Factory Five. Each time you make a purchase at the B&M Factory Store you’ll receive a stamp. On your 5th purchase you’ll receive 15% off. The card expires 12 months after your first purchase.
This is only valid at J Crew Factory and crewcuts Factory Stores and not for any online purchases. The card also says the 15% off promo can’t be combined with other promos or discounts but I’m not sure how much of that will hold true. Each time I go to the Factory Store EVERYTHING has a promo. It is valid on sale items at the Factory.
AND…I also received this percent-off card stating new arrivals would be in next week. This discount is by amount spent so a $100 purchase gives you 10% off, $150=20% off and $200=25% off and is valid from 8/6 through 8/26, just in time for back-to-school shopping.
Live the Factory Five card, this is not valid for any online or phone purchases from the Factory Store. You must visit a B&M to get the discount.
Just saying that maybe a Sunday drive is in order to pick up these two goodies.
What do you think of these two offers?
Yes – I hit the Factory store today and got both those items. Yes, a great way to incent me to drive an hour out to my Factory store, plus everything had a % off discount it seemed.
Nice! Thanks so much for the info!
Thanks for the heads up!